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#011 Ninety Secords or Less


"All the songs on this album should be 90 seconds or less. "

I have recorded a part 2 to Jeremy's ambitious "Agartha Needs Wheels." If you need a reminder of the story, it is copied below along with my continuation of the saga.


Alexander Saint-Yves D'Alveydre "He claimed that the Earth was hollow and that ancient masters of occult wisdom lived in a city at its center (Agartha), ruling over a civilization of millions. This knowledge had supposedly been revealed to him after his schooling in Sanskrit texts by a mysterious Eastern guru."

The Song:
Agartha Needs Wheels
a) Fanfare
b) Inside the Earth_Hail Agartha
c)The King in His Chamber in the Earth
d) Regicide
e) Burial of a King

In a chamber in the center of the Earth there is a king. He's growing old, his days filled with the bureaucratic duties of his position. At night he dreams of the tales he heard as a boy, stories about the world above the sky. The story goes that there is another earth above his own, that beyond the roof of heaven, through miles and miles of dirt and rock, is a sister world, and there are many wondrous things there.

To bring excitement into his life, the king pours his kingdom's resources into trying to reach this other world. He uses an old book as a guide, and it tells him of the many wonders above. The Corvette, for example.

The king grows mad, and he pours more and more of the kingdom's resources into this project. The people suffer because of the king's delusions. The king ignores the cries of his people and continues with the project. The people revolt and the tunnel they're digging collapses, filling with dirt and rock from the surface. The story ends with the people dragging the king to the site of the collapsed tunnel and burying him alive.

Epilogue: They were digging to the Corvette Museum. They caused the sinkhole there. All this really happened.


Agartha Pt. II
a) Keep Digging
b) Declaration
c) Democracy
d) i) Exploratory Committee
ii) The Announcement
iii) The Campaign
iv) Victory
e) Council Meeting: November 18, 2014

As the people of Agartha attempt to find they're way home, they discover the carcasses of chariot-like machines and florescent light coming from above. The small band emerge to find themselves in a round room devoted to the worship to other machines like those found below. Recognizing the small minds of those wandering this temple, the leader of the group declares himself the new king of this realm.

These new potential subjects explain to him that in this new world, this "America", rulers are chosen by a vote by the subjects. So after forming an exploratory committee, this former citizen of Agartha decides to run for City Council against 4-term council member, Barbara Sue Chapman. After a vigorous and chaotic campaign, he is eventually declared the victor and takes his new position at the leader of District 7. 


released August 1, 2016

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