From Wikipedia:
Lucy's Record Shop was an independent, locally-owned record store and all-ages music venue in Nashville, Tennessee. During its five and a half years of operation, Lucy's supported a growing punk and indie music scene in Nashville, and even received national notoriety as a prominent underground music venue.
Lucy's was originally opened as a record store called Revolutions Per Minute in the summer of 1992 by Mary Mancini. The store specialized in rock and punk music on independent labels. After being in business for a few months, the name was changed to Lucy's Record Shop (named after Mancini's dog, Lucy). In the same year, Donnie and April Kendall joined Mancini as partners in the business, and Lucy's started hosting live all-ages music shows in the spacious back room. Lucy's quickly became a popular hang-out for local teenagers and the focal point of the early 1990s punk scene in Nashville. Some of the notable local bands that often played at Lucy's include Lambchop, Fun Girls from Mt. Pilot, and the Teen Idols.
Lucy's closed on January 31, 1998. It was replaced by another all-ages music venue called Indienet Record Shop which featured punk and Christian music.
In 1996, Vanderbilt student Stacy Goldate created a documentary about Lucy's titled "Lucy Barks!". More info about Stacy and the film is included below.
In January of 1998, Jim Ridley published an excellent article "A Dog's Life. The times of Lucy's Record Shop" in the Nashville Scene in honor of the final weekend of shows before Lucy's closed.
In September of 2004, Mary, Don, and April organized a reunion of Lucy's Record Shop for a Day of Music, Free Speech and Voter Registration and a web page for Lucy's was created for the cause. Jason Shawhan wrote about the event in the Scene.
In July of 2016, the Nashville public library held a screening of the "Lucy Barks!" documentary followed by discussion afterwards featuring Mary Mancini (co-owner of Lucy’s Record Shop and current Chair of the Tennessee Democratic Party), Don Kendall (co-owner of Lucy’s Record Shop), Stacy Goldate (Director of Lucy Barks!), and Josh Corbitt (vocalist of band Java Christ).
In September of 2022, the 30th anniversary of Lucy's opening was celebrated with a day of shows at Dkrmttr.
documentary by Stacy Goldate
Available to rent ($3) or buy ($9) here: LINK
Photos of the VHS tape from @oldnashvilleshows
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