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#014 Horror Movie Themes


It's October, and it would be foolish not to do something spooky-centric. We've already done Halloween, so what I propose is this: write a soundtrack or theme song for a non-existent horror movie. The title of the horror movie must be generated from the list of words in the attachment. The method of choosing the title is up to you: you can use your initials and their numerical place in the alphabet, you can use your first initial, your dog's name, and your street address, or you can pick AT LEAST TWO words that you like best. This will be the title of your song/fake movie. Bonus points if you actually make the movie and get it into festivals.

Frontier, Tusk, Advocate, Potential, Loss, Canvas, Likely, Justice, Disaster, Fright, Flesh, Brigade, Bogus, Sample, Glow, Drifting, Logic, Horde, Monster, Killer, Typhoon, Gross, Charity, Factory, Psychic, Horse, Bounty, Solid, Risk, Tangent, Pretty, Thatch, Garment, Holy, Villain, Hunter, Chaotic, Vegetable, Assessment, Absurd, Sweat, Chamber, Invisible, Blood, Swarm, Total, Barricade, Consumption, Tender, Toss, Zone, Multiple, String, Injury, Metallic, Pain, Incentive, Hungry, Motor, Coma, Wicked, Devil, Darling, Burning, Plot, Motive, Death, Vice, Device, Meat, Operative, Spree, Shock, Cyber, Holocaust, Purge, Stain, Apocalypse


84 mins, rated-R
dir. by Allen Smithee, 1984
The world has heard no news from the United States in almost two decades. The airspace is restricted, satellite imagery is blank, and a massive wall surrounds the country's borders north, south, east, and west.

Three Americans students living in Mexico at the time of the Isolation have spent their exile studying the phenomenon, trying to find a way home. When they discover a flaw in the barrier wall--a section which appears to drift across a short section of the Sonoran desert--they set out to try and cross the border and see what's become of their homeland. The horror of what they find on the other side of the DRIFTING BARRICADE is matched only by the horrors they must face to get there. 

released November 1, 2016

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