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#023 Potluck


"Summer get-togethers are in full swing. Potluck is the theme. Reheat/Share a track/demo from an old band you were in. Or a track you never finished in an earlier month. Or deviled eggs. Or marshmallow jello salad stuff. Try a recipe. Bring a half-finished bottle of orange drink. Put black olives on your fingers. The world is your oyster cracker pizza bites."

#1 Jeremy Estes of Nashville

#2 45! was a one time project concocted by Brandon Harrod and Ryan Swigart in 2004, it features Brandon on vocals and Gameboy and Ryan on drums. This is the only time these two powerhouses collided for a musical endeavor. The song was recorded in Bowling Green, KY in 2004 and never mixed until 2017 by Brandon in Chicago, IL.

#3 Stirring Gently was a fictional noise band from 2002ish. Oakland, CA. Matt Perkins of msspppp. Once interviewed by Rumpian Findings.

#4 This is from a spontaneous jam recorded by my previous band The Bananarangs (Dave Middleton, Albert Arca and myself) probably in 2013-14. I’m on rhythm guitar and mumbling vocals, Albert is on bass and Dave Middleton is the lead/melody guitar. We tried a few times to turn this into something more concrete but it just never had the same magic as the first time we jammed it out. Sorry it’s so long, but i really like some of the breakdowns/build ups in here so I didn’t want to cut it too short (the original jam was like 16 minutes long!). Miss playing with those guys, we had a lot of fun!!

#5 Alberto Arca of SF where the weather is nice.

#6 Greg Wagner of Nashville cuts donuts.

#7 William of Florida owes me an email.

#8 David of Tennessee questions his judgement.

#9 John Michael Landon of Texas. Things Cats Like was written for another band with placeholder lyrics. Found it in my gmail account after searching “.mp3”.. Kinda forgot i even wrote it.

#10 Matt Sullivan of South Nashville lives near the zoo. Is the song about an infamous website or Cat Power?

#11 Dad Tim is from Nebraska is David of Tennessee's brother.

#12 This one is a really short acoustic piece for a video I did for my sister’s destination wedding in Jamaica a few years back. I tried my hand at writing some generic reggae (with some help from Dave Middleton) for background music during the boating/snorkling/scuba diving scenes but I needed something that was a little more somber for this beautiful sunset I captured one night on the beach that closes out the video. It was late and I was really trying to just finish the video so I came up with this and recorded it really quick in Garageband.

#13 William of Florida is prolific.

#14 Greatest Hits is a demo of what would’ve been my submission for the Greatest Hits playlist months ago but i decided it was disgustingly obvious and I didn’t want to submit a breakup song ;) Months later, it’s almost funny to me.

#15 was recorded by Rides on Trains in 2002. Bob of bird and bear and hare and fish in Nashville was in a band with William of Florida who is prolific and matt of msspppp who is writing this and is a jerk. It's a practice recording of two songs. Burma Shave felt like MoB and we played Vera Wang out a few times but it never made it to our recording sessions. It was a pretty great tune. So skip ahead if you must.

#16 Have I mentioned that William has large hands? He could've been a wide receiver. or at least widely received.

#17 JML ya'll. 

released August 1, 2017

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