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#026 1987


From: William Gladstone
Subject: 30 Years
So, Josh and I were discussing some albums hitting the big 3-0 this year and as we delved further we realized that there are a ton of "important" albums from 1987, from Whitney and George Michael's debuts, to Appetite for Destruction and the Whitesnake self titled, to seminal albums from the Cure, R.E.M., U2, Depeche Mode, etc. Plus, loads of releases that are either minor for the artist or from a "lesser" artist but may be huge to a fan.

I think we would be remiss if we didn't acknowledge this rather watershed year with either a month dedicated or, so as not to steal anyone's theme input, a side effort of folks covering songs off an album from 1987.

Here is the wiki list...



Follows are tracks originally by bruce, heart, southpaw, midnite oil, gnr, go betweens, ramones, skinny puppy, young fresh fellows, sinead, pixies, f. mac, and you-tu. Buy their stuff. I know we have.

released  November 1, 2017

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