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728B MySpace Blog

728B at the corner - 10 june 2008

well, we put our time in again at the corner. we started playing at about 11:20, and finished about 1:55. total of 29 songs - 10 of which were originals. for the first set, which lasted about an hour fifteen, we had a pretty solid crowd. lots of folks singing along and dancing. i think at one point we really had them believing that jayson was lisa loeb. we had to reject a request for a popular outkast song. admittedly, it was pretty slim pickin's at the old bar park by closing time, but on the whole we had a pretty good time. we found out after we finished that one of the members of the band Sin For the Fallen was injured and had to back out, and that possibly (now we know definitively) that our services as an opening act on june 28 would not be needed. such is life. if you're reading this, thanks for your interest. keep checking back with us for upcoming shows.


728B at spazzatorium galleria - 14 june 08

we played in front of the dead popes, redliners, and exitbox. there was a pretty decent crowd, it being a saturday night and all. we played a 4-song medley (days-ends-imbecile-weight) then wooden, stranger, and finished with a 3-songer (room-fine-bruce). had some folks from out of town come to see us. nice to play in front of friends. during redliners, they brought up paul from the spazms (old punk band from greenville) to play a few songs, including DDH. no technical difficulties to report, although i think someone took our water. there's nothing like the spazz. PLEASE go see shows there and support all the hard work jeff is doing to expose greenville to great music.


728B at zakk's coffeehouse - 25 october 08

there were supposed to be three bands: us, anamide(?), and cyanotic revelation (VA). when we arrived, we realized that for some reason, anamide wasnt coming, so it would just be the two of us. and i'm pretty sure C.R. was to play first. i know nathan met us there about 8:45 driving in from a computer competition in durham.

anyway, C.R. was enjoyable. reminded us of evanescence (not just because of the female singer). the manager for C.R. was real friendly. got to talk to him quite a bit. he was out there for our whole show, but honestly, we only saw their band members when they actually played. for our set they were gone. there were a few people who had come out. we played i think only 5 or 6 songs (b.w., wooden, weight, whats fine, a nameless new one). we ran through waiting room for a sound check. no technical difficulties. we waited around a long time for an audio and video recording of the set, and ended up finally making it home around 4.

we're really appreciative of jon and cindy (congrats btw) for how good they've been to us.


728B spazz haus - 6 dec 08

our first house show...
well we got started a little after 10:30. had a decent number of people stroll in and out. some folks sticking around for all 5 songs and rockin' with us. we had not practiced since our last show nov 22 (2 weeks). this was our first show we played cold like that. actually, we felt pretty good about it. i think it was a stress release for our drummer who had spent the whole week on a project - not finishing until 10:15 that night. the five songs were bruce willis, wooden, weight of it all, what's so fine, and the still as yet nameless song. no technical difficulties.

after us was ryland bouchard - kind of mellow clean guitar and soft vocals that everyone was digging. after that was ODIST, and these were some funk rock, out-of-sight, make-you-want-to-move, very technically sound guys. actually, 2 guys and a girl (great drummer). we're hoping to play with them again next time they're in NC. ODIST was followed by junior revolution. they were also good and a band everyone was really into.

so our first spazz haus experience was a good one.


728B broad st. music - 13 dec 08

this was our 20th show (since we seriously started playing out in april). we're pretty excited about this little milestone, and are hoping for at least 20 more. maybe by then we'll have made enough money for a quality, full-length recording before 728b dissolves.

this was our second time playing at broad st. music in new bern, and it is quickly becoming just about our favorite place to play. doug really knows how to take care of a band. he genuinely appreciates what independent bands are all about, and is supportive of what we're trying to do. if you're close to new bern, make sure you go support other shows there. he's got a good thing going.

we were originally supposed to play first, in front of a local band and another out-of-town group.. however, when circumstances made it so that we couldnt arrive until 9:00, we got pushed back to last. we don't necessarily mind playing late, but felt pretty sure that, since we were the LEAST known band, a lot of people would leave before we got started. unfortunately, we were right.

the first band was GOLIATH's PONY. young locals who brought all their friends. you could tell they and their buddies were having a really fun time - dancing and jumping around. it was good for doug to give them a chance to play. apparently they're all pretty big supporters of broad st and the bands that come through. we were pleasantly surprised by GP.

next was WHAT'S GOOD, and - wow. talk about a good band. we've played with a lot, but this trio impressed the heck out of us. instrumental funk/blues/jazz/rock. fun to watch, and you can tell they enjoy their music. all three musicians were excellent. a must-see. no joke. hopefully we can hook up with them again soon in j-ville.

as for our show, we played six songs. five of them (bruce willis, wooden, weight, fine, and the new nameless one) we've played i think at our last 3-4 shows. we added days away. no technical problems to report. like i said, most people left before we got started. but for those who stuck around, we REALLY appreciate it. we got a lot of positive feedback.

our 20th show was also our last of 2008.


728B the luna bean - 22 nov 08

this was a show we had been excited about for a while. the reason is, we would be sharing the stage with two of our favorite bands: VICTIMS OF PUBLIC EDUCATION and THE QUIET DEPARTURE. to us, equally as cool as having people rocking out and even singing along to your music, is getting to meet and connect with people in other bands. and SOMEtimes, those people turn out to become good friends. such is the case with these. we met VOPE in april when we played our first show. it was at 21 eleven. we've stayed in touch and played quite a few shows with them since then. we met TQD sharing the stage with them at the Luna Bean before summer. we've also stayed in touch. we miss ken's hair.

also on the bill this night was kristin chalmers (acoustic guitar), 21 differences, and some guy named jerad finck. kristin played three songs. good voice. 21 diff is young and energetic. apparently mr.finck is bigtime - or at least on the way (on mtv, vh1, nat'l radio). he wasnt originally in the line-up and showed up day of show b/c their gig in raleigh was canceled.

we got lots of compliments on our show, however i dont think any of us felt really good about. jayson stunk up the joint, for sure. we had some good friends come out from greenville, so that was encouraging. 6 song set: bruce willis, wooden, weight of it all, days away, new nameless song, and finished with what's so fine. no technical difficulties.

max is our man. look forward to ANY time we get to go back to wilson.

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