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Facts About Crop Circle Hoax

as posted to the Internet Underground Music Archive

1. All four members hail from Nashville, TN.

2. They have numerous releases:

a. 7" split single featuring CCH on one side, Posterchild (Now called Lambchop) on the other. (1992)

b. A full length cassette called "Scope Resolution Operator" which is sold out. (1994)

c. A full length CD called "Tour of the Nato Countries." (1995)

d. Two compilations on the British indie label Traumatone. "Sorry About the Deformed Heart" (1995) "Stars on Ice" (1993)

e. A forthcoming 7" called "Sikeston - Miner EP" (1996)

3. They hold several bands in high regard, including:

a. Superchunk

b. Pavement

c. Blondie

d. The Mountain Goats

4. They release most items through their own label:

Thump AV c/o C. Carter 818 Glen Avenue Nashville, TN 37204

5. They get mostly positive reviews:

"Excruciatingly good...go get it now" Kath Hansen, The Nashville Scene

"One of the best pure pop bands playing today" Matthew Sullivan, Blast Magazine

"It sprawls out comfortably...its a comfortable listen" Noel Murray, The Nashville Scene

6. They like postcards

7. They play a lot regionally with shows in cities like

a. Nashville, TN

b. Memphis, TN

c. Lousville, KY

d. Muscle Shoals, AL

e. Many others too numerous to mention

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