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Bongo Set List

Comments from William: 

I think this is the set list from our show at Caffeine.  I'm not positive though.  The only other place we played Dead Flowers that I can remember was the first Bongo Java show.  I think "Boots" was These Boots Were Made For Walking but I don't think we ended up playing it.  This was the show that we played Turnupseed extremely slow and included parts of Detroit Rock City in the middle of the song. Actually I think this is the first Bongo show 'cos I remember playing Boots (with crowd sing-a-long) but I know for a fact we closed with Dead Flowers and our parents were at the Caffeine show and I don't think I could have sang "in my basement room with a needle and a spoon" in front of our mothers. Same thing goes for the lyrics to Spies. Also, the absence of Tower leads me to believe that this was the Bongo show. I don't think that song had been written yet and I'm pretty sure we played it at Caffeine.

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