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The Connells 1989-04-01 Nightshift Cafe, Naugatuck, CT, USA

00:00 Saturday Nite (USA)
03:42 Fun & Games
06:52 Choose a Side
10:53 Inside My Head
13:46 Uninspired
17:29 If It Crumbles
22:36 Ten Pins
26:52 Over There
30:30 Elegance
33:50 I Suppose
38:33 1934
40:47 Something to Say
44:38 Home Today
47:37 Try
50:57 Sal
54:05 Upside Down

01:49 Living in the Past (Jethro Tull cover)
04:52 Don't Bring Me Down (Status Quo cover)
06:55 Hats Off
12:47 Scotty's Lament

Nightshift Cafe

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