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It's Not Alright b/w Sometimes I Just Can't Stand It


This release was mentioned in the Nashville Scene in October of 1995:

Among the Nashville bands readying 7-inch vinyl singles for upcoming release is Crop Circle Hoax, the power-pop quintet led by Cole Carter, one of Music City’s most engaging smart-alecks and Ed McMahon impersonators. The single will contain a duet featuring Carter’s wife (and utility vocalist) Kim and is due for release this fall. In the meantime, the group plays Lucy’s Record Shop Friday, Oct. 6, in a show that doubles as a birthday party for the band’s friend M.B. Trask. Even if you don’t know Ms. Trask, says Carter, you’re encouraged to bring a gift. Sharing the bill are Dick ’n’ Jayne and the San Francisco band Hugh, which features John Murray, formerly of local band Wishcraft.

and again in March of 1996:

Crop Circle Hoax celebrates the release of its new 7-inch single, “Sometimes I Just Can’t Stand It” b/w “It’s Not Alright,” with a special show Friday night at Lucy’s Record Shop. Not only will singles be available for purchase, show-goers will be treated to free pizza. Here’s a band that knows its demographic.

"It's Not Alright" also appeared with tracks from bands such as Five Eight, The Olivia Tremor Control, and Lambchop on the "Soundtrack To The Bible Belt" compilation cd from Anhedonia Recording in 1996. From the Nashville Scene in October 1996:

Soundtrack to the Bible Belt is the first production by Anhedonia Recordings, founded by former Belmont students Jason Moon Wilkins and Chris Moon. As residents of Belmont’s Pembroke Hall, the third floor of which houses some of the college’s most offbeat creative types—it’s known as the “freak floor”—Wilkins and Moon hooked up with future members of several local bands, including Museum, Yeehaw Junction, Crop Circle Hoax, the Methadone Actors, and Toybean. The two friends nurtured an idea to compile these and other Southeastern bands onto a CD that would spotlight the area’s perennially overlooked rock scene...two years ago, Wilkins and Moon began preparing the record, maxing out credit cards (“the Robert Townsend method,” Wilkins jokes), and gathering about $700 from benefit shows by Crop Circle Hoax and Curiosity Shop...Crop Circle Hoax’s “It’s Not Alright” is the group’s best song yet, with Kim Carter’s gentle, unmannered vocals contributing to a pleasant, Yo La Tengo-like sound...Anhedonia has scheduled a record-release party for 12th & Porter on Nov. 26, at which several of the acts will play. In the meantime, Swan Dive performs at 12th & Porter Oct. 25 with Bill Lloyd, Crop Circle Hoax opens for Versus Oct. 27 at Lucy’s Record Shop, and Toybean plays 12th & Porter on Oct. 29.

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