This afternoon I was looking online for info about 81 Mulberry (a band from Chapel Hill that I filmed when they opened for the Grifters in Knoxville in 1996), and I found several episodes of "Live Around Town" (a live music public access TV show from Chapel Hill in the mid-1990s). Several of the bands that were featured in the episodes were familiar to me, and others weren't...but it is an interesting bit of local music history.
Zen Frisbee at Local 506 - November 17, 1993
Spatula at Smokin' Joe's - October 28, 1993
81 Mulberry from the Trash Halloween Ball at Local 506 - October 30, 1993
Pipe from the Trash Halloween Ball at Local 506 - October 30, 1993
Spatula at the Hardback Cafe - October 23, 1993
Zen Frisbee at Smokin' Joe's - November 10, 1993
Archers of Loaf at the Cat's Cradle - December 9, 1993
What Peggy Wants from the Trash Halloween Ball at Local 506 - October 30, 1993
True and True at Smokin' Joe's - November 19, 1993
Hocker at the Hardback Cafe - December 11, 1993
Archers of Loaf - "Wrong" video by Jason Summers
Bicycle Face at Smokin' Joe's - November 19, 1993
Picasso Trigger at Smokin' Joes - November 9, 1993
What Peggy Wants at the Hardback Cafe - November 11, 1993
Family Dollar Pharaohs from the Trash Halloween Ball at Local 506 - October 30, 1993
Southern Culture of the Skids at the Cat's Crade - December 10, 1993
Shiny Beast at the Cat's Cradle - January 6, 1994
Mind Sirens from the Trash Halloween Ball at Local 506 - October 30, 1993
Chew Toy at the Cat's Cradle - January 6, 1994
Minerva Strain at the Hardback Cafe - January 18, 1993
Jeff Hart and the Ruins at the Duke Coffeehouse - January 23, 1993
The Ashley Stove at the Brewery - February 4, 1994
Southern Culture of the Skids at the Cat's Crade - December 10, 1993
Jeff Carroll & the Desmonds at the Duke Coffeehouse - January 23, 1994
Evil Wiener at the Cat's Cradle - January 24, 1994
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