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The Cavedogs

From Wikipedia:

The Cavedogs were a power pop band formed in Boston during the mid 1980s. The band featured Brian Stevens (bass/vocals), Todd Spahr (guitar/vocals) and Mark Rivers (drums/vocals). The trio broke up in the early 1990s, but reunited for several shows in 2001–2002, 2010 and most recently for the WMBR Pipeline! 25th anniversary festival in 2014 and the 2015 Hot Stove Cool Music benefit.

About the genesis of the name, from the Chicago Tribune:

...Todd Spahr said the name has about as much significance as your average rock band moniker, which is very little. "I had a teacher say [cave dogs] in class once, and we thought it was a laugh and used it for the band I had in high school," Spahr says. Later, after he met bassist Brian Stevens at the University of Miami in Ohio and the two formed a band called Who Made The Salad, the Cavedogs seemed like a good name. The only annoyance was that after Spahr and Stevens moved to Boston and met drummer Mark Rivers, the band found itself playing among such club-scene regulars as the Raindogs (now on Atco Records), the Straw Dogs and, later, the Riverdogs.

About musical tastes, from the Chicago Tribune:

All three band members sing, and they write collectively in a process Spahr calls "a painful democracy. We don't necessarily all come from the same musical background, so there's always a bit of tension." For instance, he said, Rivers is a big art rock fan (i.e., he digs Emerson, Lake and Palmer), Stevens listens to a lot of blues, and Spahr "was kind of a Kiss Army guy."

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