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Protomartyr 2023-11-09 La Station Gare des Mines, Paris, France
Protomartyr 2023-11-02 Hole 44, Berlin, Germany
Protomartyr 2023-07-07 KEXP Studios, Seattle, WA, USA
Protomartyr 2023-06-23 The Blue Room, Nashville, TN, USA
Protomartyr 2023-06-01 FaceCulture interview
Protomartyr 2023-06-01 The Marty Singer Telethon
Joe Casey 2023-05-30 Kreative Kontrol interview
Protomartyr 2023-05-26 CBS Detroit Interview
Protomartyr 2023-03-31 The Pyramid Scheme, Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Protomartyr 2023-03-12 JJ's Bohemia, Chattanooga, TN, USA
Protomartyr 2023-XX-XX The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Protomartyr 2021-11-13 UFO Factory, Detroit, MI, USA
Protomartyr 2019-05-18 Phantasy Nite Club, Lakewood, OH, USA
Protomartyr 2018-05-10 Scala, London, UK
Protomartyr 2018-05-08 Fruit, Kingston upon Hull, England
Protomartyr 2018-04-26 Mejeriet, Lund, Sweden
Protomartyr 2018-04-14 Razzmatazz 3, Barcelona, Spain
Protomartyr 2018-04-08 La Vapeur, Dijon, France
Protomartyr 2018-03-10 The Teragram Ballroom, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Protomartyr 2017-11-25 La Maroquinerie, Paris, France
Protomartyr 2017-11-22 Le Grand Mix, Tourcoing, France
Protomartyr 2017-11-10 Le Guess Who?, Utrecht, Netherlands
Protomartyr 2017-XX-XX Michigan Union Ballroom, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Protomartyr 2016-06-02 Primavera Sound, Parc del Fòrum, Barcelona, Spain
Protomartyr 2016-03-03 The Echo, Echo Park, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Protomartyr 2016-02-23 Saturn, Birmingham, AL, USA
Protomartyr 2016-02-13 Music Hall of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Protomartyr 2015-12-04 Tiny Desk Concert, Washington, DC, USA
Protomartyr 2014-11-21 Death by Audio, New York, NY, USA
Protomartyr 2014-09-27 Gonerfest 11, Hi Tone, Memphis, TN, USA
Protomartyr 2014-09-19 Plaça Joan Coromines, Barcelona, Spain
Protomartyr 2014-09-06 Fall Line Fest, Richmond, VA, USA
Protomartyr 2014-08-13 GLAZART, Paris France
Protomartyr 2014-05-21 KEXP Studios, Seattle, WA, USA


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