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Two Pound Planet pre-show meal

Jason, Jerry F, and Seth Kahn enjoying a typical Two Pound Planet meal, outside the venue on their midwest Summer '93 Tourgasm. No money = cheap food and crashing on kind folks floors. "Jason's onion", which he kept in the cooler and used sparingly throughout the tour, helped add to the funky fresh fetidness of the monster van.

That's a box of (the then brand new) Whispering Delicious CDs Jerry is sitting on. Selling those along the way was about the only thing that made it possible to put food and gas in our tanks.

From Tom Shaw:

We look homeless. This was taken at the beginning of the "Tourgasm 93." We are at the first show- Bowling Green, KY. I think the woman in the dress behind Jason is some kind of social worker.
I forgot about Jason's damned onion. Like a tike with a blanket, he refused to throw it out until Kansas City.

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