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Two Pound Planet

Two Pound Planet

This photo was taken at Montana Studios in New York City in November of 1991. The band had just finished auditioning for Mercury Records. A photographer for Newsweek magazine was there and posed the band, wrapped in their banner, while he took a shot from atop a step ladder.

Two Pound Planet

Two Pound Planet van

From Tom Shaw:

The death trap. It's amazing we are still alive after traveling thousands of miles in it. We bought it from a farmer in NC in 1988. It's a 1977 Dodge Sportsman. Jerry Finley did the paint job on it and customized the interior. Brilliant!
But, no AC. You couldn't drive it faster than 60 mph. It broke down A LOT.

Urban Edge Atlanta 1986

Outside the Egyptian Ballroom at the Fabulous Fox Theater. Atlanta, GA May 1986.


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