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Two Pound Planet

Urban Edge at Furman University 1985

Pre-Jason days as Urban Edge with singer Frank Swearington. Photographed at Furman University in 1985.

Two Pound Planet pre-show meal

Jason, Jerry F, and Seth Kahn enjoying a typical Two Pound Planet meal, outside the venue on their midwest Summer '93 Tourgasm. No money = cheap food and crashing on kind folks floors. "Jason's onion", which he kept in the cooler and used sparingly throughout the tour, helped add to the funky fresh fetidness of the monster van.

That's a box of (the then brand new) Whispering Delicious CDs Jerry is sitting on. Selling those along the way was about the only thing that made it possible to put food and gas in our tanks.

From Tom Shaw:

Tom Shaw 1988

This photo was shot in September of 1988 at the Rock for Arc benefit in Winston Salem, NC.

Jerry Chapman 1986

Urban Edge in the 1986 Appalachian State University Yearbook

We found this photo on the online archive of the 1986 Appalachian State University Yearbook! This is a pre-Jason Buss show at the Pub in November of 1985 for Casino Night. The band was Urban Edge at the time. This is one of the oldest photos of Jerry, Jerry, and Tom performing live.

Bottom of the Stairs promo flyer

As the saying goes, you gotta start somewhere. Here's a promo poster for the band's first release, "Bottom of the Stairs." It was recorded and mixed in two days under the name Urban Edge...

Urban Edge Bottom of the Stairs

Jason Buss took that picture of Blake Woodruff during the summer of 1986 at a Carolina beach. He's sipping a Sprite, BTW. There is no response from the band as to why they chose this photo for an album cover,


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